Sunday July 22, 2012:
Welcome to my first post. For quite some time I have been wanting to do my own blog, however, as a person diagnosed with ADHD, organizing a blog didn't come easy. There were a lot of questions to answer before I delved into this project; Do I want to review bands, songs, or albums? How do I go about doing so? Do I want to say other things?
The answer to all of those questions was a screaming YES! However, the trouble came when laying it all out in a way other people could follow.
I figured it would be best to start with an introduction, but I didn't want to bore my readers with my life story. So, what I have done here is tried to imagine what specific questions might readers have, and just answer them in a straight forward Q & A format:
Q: Who are you?
A: My name is Zachary, and I am, at the time of this posting, a 24year old guy. I am also a bassist, gamer, and passionate fan of music.
Q: What is the format of this blog?
A: It will be different post to post, because I don't like being stuck in a box. I think that keeps things interesting. The only constant that I aim for is to be entertaining. However, each post will be titled in such a way that its contents will be obvious.
Enough talking, more rocking!
I dig the title reference. Glad you started the blog!